High grade Oolong Tea applied G05



Vũ Thị Huyền


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On 14/3/2017, VTV2 did reportage of checking and taking over the Oolong tea applied with the Goldtech bioorganic fertilizer G05 in Moc Chau.

Oolong tea well-known as a delicious tea variety of Taiwan is planted mainly in Bao Loc, Lam Dong and Moc Chau.  In this harvest time, the clean Oolong tea applied fully with the Goldtech bioorganic fertilizer G05 without any plant protection drugs has been proven with high nutrient content.

With essential oil fragrance special in the G05 fertilizer, it repelled effectively pests and insects damaging crop seasons. Extremely high nutrient content in the G05fertilizer can nurture plants growing strongly, promote plant development sustainably, and make chemical fertilizer application disappear. Besides, the fertilizer helps saving input costs, gives high economic efficiency, enhances agro-product quality meeting export standards and protects human health as well as surrounding soil source.

High grade Oolong tea packed in factories costs from 1 to 1,2 million VND per kilogram in markets.

The super clean leaves without any plant protection drugs when applying the G05 fertilizer.

An expert – Mr. Truong Van Thanh (in the right hand) and VTV2’s reporter in a field trip.

The expert – Mr. Trương Van Thanh stands next to super clean tea plantation and the bioorganic fertilizer G05 boxes.

Super clean Oolong tea with plenty nutrients after applying the G05 fertilizer.

The expert – Mr. Trương Van Thanh who has devoted his life to agriculture stands next to the Oolong plantation.


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